Every Day Is A holiday!

By musings

Blue Heron in Brentwood Bay BC Canada

We decided to head to Brentwood Bay mostly to visit Butchart Gardens. These gardens are every photographer's Mecca...acres of incredible blooms!! We found the lovely anchorage for boats on the backside of the gardens, and did our first ever "stern tie" to shore. We visited the gardens during the afternoon, then BBQd steaks....then decided we needed to revisit the gardens during the night (open till 11 pm and beautifully lit)!!

During the late afternoon we were joined by a stately old blue heron. When we first noticed him he was wet and trying to dry himself in a nearby tree across the bay. Slowly he came to life...getting prettier and prettier as he dried. It was an interesting metamorphosis as I just kept snapping pictures. Thought this one did him justice.

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