my crazy world

By crazyworld

how rude!!

Was given this card yesterday..

Had a bit of a bad week last week after I found out N had to go into hospital to have his operation.

Will I be strong enough?
Can I cope with it all on my own?
I cant even carry him out of hospital on my own as hes too heavy for me if hes in pain ....

this will be my first real test as my last three years on my own have been a bit plain sailing.. okay not really... but this does feel like my first real test and feels scary.

So when I was given my card yesterday it was lovely..

Whats funny is that when I first met her I thought we would have little in common.. have never told her this...

shes really intelligent.. Im not !..
she likes Question Time.. I like car crash reality telly!
shes into fitness... okay I did my 10k but have run little since!..

but you know what..we have far more in common than I ever thought possible... . she is now one of my best friends in the whole world... I dont know what I would do without her... she is always there when I need her..

so thanks mrs... youre an amazing star xxxxRach

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