Family Dog

By Family_Dog

another door...


Arlo's new nursery. He went in for an hour or so yesterday and was pretty overwhelmed. Not as overwhelmed as me I have to say. Everything seemed so sterile and well, school like - I had to call the nursery staff 'Mrs' and 'Miss'. YUCK! Arlo liked it though - there were so many toys and there was a little boy that he'd met at the library a few times who he'd always got on with so they found each other and instantly began playing with the train track.

I went back to get him after his hour and he asked if he could stay longer, so I took that as a good sign, but still I had a heavy heart. It was all so familiar and friendly and relaxed at the old nursery.

Today though, I had a good chat with the nursery teacher (Mrs Such-and-Such - will I ever get used to this?!) and she was really nice and friendly and told me not to worry. Arlo was dying to get rid of me and made me promise not to come back till the very very end and I've just caught sight of him playing in the playground (the school is literally across the road from our house) and he looks like he's having a blast.

This particular step into the 'future grown up world of Arlo Cornwall' is a bit hard to take I have to say, it feels like a formal step, a step into the world of school and structure and no more crazy floppy hair (which is getting grown back, by the way). It's a step into the world, away from Mummy and I just don't like it (yes, I'm stamping my feet, I know! I know!).

I need to get a grip. But I defy anybody not to feel a bit sad about this particular stage...and cue welling up eyes. Blub.

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