just allan

By allan

Fine Tuning

The Edinburgh Fringe is over. On the back of a lorry, gone. Cheerie, See you next year! What's this guy up to?

I wonder what this Portacabin will be next? Maybe a classroom. Maybe an office. Maybe a brothel. Who knows? Whatever, this guy will deliver it and pick it up. With his remote control heavy lifting gear and some very delicate final inches. The fact that he could adjust the position of this massive thing with a wee push of his hand was pretty damned impressive.

Large blip
SOOC blip

Well, at least is actually is a Portacabin. Which reminds me of the Private Eye run-in with Portacabin a few years ago. Sad, sad, sad. Funny though.

Well, thesis update time. The festival is over, yes, but it was the finicky detail that this guy and I shared today. Slightly greyer header and footer, page break exactly there, indentation exactly that much... yunno. That stuff.

I have 4 copies @ 165 pages each in a box in my bag. Accompanying them are 2 CDs with the Word "FINAL VERSION". The end is more than in sight, I would now need to actually die to fail to hand it in. Or at least be horribly disfigured. Because if a bus hits me, I'm crawling to the University. If aliens abduct me, I'll bore them to death with the Appendices. If I'm arrested, I'll plead insanity.

Now to have a very very good weekend. Later.

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