All that is beautiful

By sharob


This is the Earth.

According to 4 and a half year old Clara.

Those are all the countries, they go together like puzzle pieces. I think she got confused between Countries and tectonic plates. See, she's absolutely obsessed with earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis. She saw video footage of the Japan earthquake and tsunami and ever since then she has been fascinated. I found a book about Volcanoes at the car boot, good old Dorling Kindersley - loved those books when I was younger! We read the book together and she focused specifically on the page about Pompeii and wanted to know who the people were - explained that they were people who had died when the lava covered them and their homes. She wasn't fussed about this, wasn't upset, just fascinated! She took the book into nursery and told her key worker everything she knew about volcanoes - including the bodies! Her keyworker was stunned and amazed - as she often is with Clara!

I love finding her drawing things other than cats and princesses!! ;)

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