just allan

By allan

Turning of the Tide

Barns Ness lighthouse from Whitesands by Dunbar, East Lothian. I perched on a rock to get this angle and got wet feet when the tide came in, covering my stepping stones back to the beach. Sketchy moment.

I had a lovely day with Dotty, Katie and Gordon. Coffee and scones (and lollies and strawberry milk) in Lauderdale Park cafe, the sweet shop and a visit to the beach. Followed by a slight panic when we arrived home and realised we'd left Katie's shoes on the beach. Doh! Back again, to find that some kind soul had lifted them and left them on the notice board in the car park. Thanks!

This picture hasn't needed much doing to it. I used my new £5 graduated ND filter and a polariser. Which is fiddly, because they both rotate. But the graduated ND meant the picture was nice'n'even top to bottom, and the polariser shinied up the water nicely. Worth wet feet!

SOOC blip.

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