It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

It was a good day.

A swim at Salford and 50km of bike riding, all by lunchtime. I had a great burrito from 8th day and then it was back into town for the final of the National BMX series at Platt Fields.

I could have picked a number of photos today, loads of action ones, a few portraits and a world champion, but this one summed the day up for me. Loadsa smiles and fun!

BMX is a true family sport, 7 year olds waiting to race at the same time as top riders, mums comforting their kids when they lose and plenty of fair competition. It?s been a tough month in the UK with all the riots, but a sport like BMX puts it all in context. There were clubs from inner city London, Birmingham and Manchester competing side-by-side, laughing, crying, bikes, equipment left unattended........ It shows what?s possible if kids have focus in life!

I hung out with Jez a bit, met this guy with an interesting theory on motor learning, got a smile from Shenaze.....if she?s this happy at the Olympics, no-one else has a look in! I walked along the curry mile on my way home seeing and smelling some strange/wonderful things!
It was a good day.

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