It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

The Wooden Man

Well it's been a whole week on blip and I've managed to do something every day. Guessing it will be more of a challenge with the nights coming in now.

So far, I've always posted something that means something to me. Today is no different. This wooden man is carved into a bench just down the hill from me in a grassy meadow type clearing. It's a brill place to sit and I really enjoy going down here for some peace and quiet. As it was sunny and Sunday, it wasn't so quiet as there were dog walkers, kids and couples all out for a walk.

I did the garden (8 hours!), baked a loaf of bread and used the lovely handmade French proving basket Sarah gave me for my birthday. It definitely helps the bread rise and somehow the dough doesn't stick.

Clara and Gulliver my neighbours kids decided they wanted to play in my garden which was fun! Clara took great delight in putting little foot prints in my freshly raked soil and then decided to bury my sweatshirt! Little s**t! Just as well it was funny!

I think I may have a wee dram noo!

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