One Day Like This

By sennema

Russian roulette

Spent all morning figuring out which photo to Blip for yesterday's entry. Didn't succeed yet, so decided to post today's entry first.

Yesterday was a slow, hot, humid day. Rotterdam was celebrating it's world port status (although it isn't the largest port in the world anymore, it is still Europe's). Fellow blipped R. aka Wolf Journal and S. went to a bit of an alternative festival in the evening and J. and I decided to come along. It was a bizarre night. A lot of harbor melancholy (involving hookers and drunken sailors), platinum blonde middle aged women, slightly aggressive middle aged men with golden necklaces, Dutch classic songs... Suffice to say there had to be some alcohol involved to enjoy it all.

Which we definitely did eventually. The old ones wandered away, the Rotterdam hipsters came out of their holes and were dancing in the streets (and inside the venues when it started to poor).

At one moment R. and I both had our cameras out and it came to a vis à vis. Since it was after midnight, it had to be this shot for today. Don't worry, no one got hurt.

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