Lincoln Cathedral

We took part in an urban orienteering race around Lincoln today. It was special in several ways. The courses were well planned and quite physical (Lincoln is built on a hill with the splendid Cathedral at the top). The results aren't out yet, but Tony had a good run and I think I've done well for me. Also, in my semi-retired state I have no marking or preparation to do on a Sunday evening (first time in almost thirty years) so instead of in the car and off home after our runs, we took a walk around the town spending time looking at the wonderful buildings we normally go shooting past glued to our maps.

Highlight of the visit was the Cathedral. I don't have a religious bone in my body but I can appreciate the workmanship and dedication which goes into such buildings. Lincoln Cathedral was consecrated in 1092! There is too much of it to do it full justice in a single photograph. See this link if you wish to know more: Lincoln Cathedral. I couldn't honestly see today's builders being able to emulate the stonemasonry skills - or it would just be too hugely expensive to consider. For my blip I settled on a shot looking up the tower. I marvel at the symmetry of it - especially considering the rudimentary tools they must have used in the eleventh century. I couldn't get a perfect square shot as the area immediately below was being set up for a concert by the Halle Orchestra and I wasn't allowed on the dias for 'health and safety reasons'!
Will probably look better in large.

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