Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

Hopi Ear Candles

Sometimes my owner, Ann, does such weird things.

Tonight her friend, Helga, came to cut her hair. Well I guess that's pretty normal?!

.......................But Yvonne (in this blip) came to stick candles in her ears??????? Apparently they are supposed to, 'deeply relax all of your senses'?!!

It all seemed a bit strange to me and I wasn't really supposed to get too close because there was a naked flame.

Ann wanted Helga to blip the process but this is the best she could do (and it's been cropped because she made Ann look like Mrs Blobby!). Then Yvonne tried to blip Helga cutting Ann's hair but she made Ann look like an ugly man in a barbers shop!

Honestly .............. Ann is not the best photographer in the world, but compared to Helga & Yvonne she's like 'David Bailey'??!!

Helga & Yvonne - we love you loads girls ............................... but when blipping, you are supposed to make both me & Ann look irresistably gorgeous??!!

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