Red Squirrel


Fairies Playground?

Summer always has been my favourite season and probably always will be - long hours of daylight and, in a good summer, the heat of the sun on skin, the
need for as little clothing as possible, being able to cook and sit outside until the early hours with a glass of something, the flowers and perfumes around us. Can't beat it.
But Autumn has always held a special place in my heart - the reds, oranges and golds - nature's rampant protest at the onset of winter, it's last defiant stand against the short, cold days to come. Autumn's colours are incomparable. Fiery colours just right for a fire-sign like me (Sagittarius). And the season has it's own smell and feel - one of leafmould, woodsmoke. "Season of mists and mellow fruitfullness" as Keats so sublimely wrote in one of my favourite poems.
My OH and I particularly loved a good walk on an Autumn day for the colours alone, especially where there were fallen leaves just begging to be scuffled with the feet! Having lost him in Autumn a couple of years ago, the season now has a poignant beauty for me. I can't bear to hear Justin Hayward's 'Forever Autumn' now. I've pretty much turned a blind eye to the last 2 Autumns.
Now I'm blipping, I have a reason to start looking again. Yesterday I went for my lunchtime walk in Bracondale Woods, though I'd forgotten to bring my camera out that morning! Rather than my usual blood-pressure busting brisk walk this was distinctly an amble, looking around, upwards and downward for suitable blip subjects. Eventually I glanced through some trees and caught sight of these little dears, now a little moth-eaten perhaps, not exactly pristine - but a welcome sight. So they've become the subject of my blip for today. Here's a view from another angle.
Unfortunately the stump on which this beauty appeared last year has since been cleared by the grounds maintenance guys so that stunner is lost forever I reckon :((
Here's another view. All that's missing is a fairy sitting with legs dangling over the edge!
On my route I paused near the remains of the old Memorial Chapel for some Ent-hugging and a sit down in my favourite spot (blipped 5th July). Suddenly a lovely white and black cat appeared on the bank opposite. I made the usual cat-tempting noises with my lips (no, I CAN'T reporoduce them in writing!) and he/she immediately made their way down the bank, across the path and up to see me. What a sweetie. After an affectionate encounter, the cat then had a quick cleaning session, strolled over the top of the bank and down the back towards the housing estate where I presume it lives.

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