Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

Chef Mickeys

At about 4.30am Chris got up to go to the loo but I was pretty much already stirring at this point. Had a killer of a headache and after about five minutes, realised this was probably in part due to the huge thunderstorm that was raging above our heads. Ah well Captain Air France, just as well you didn?t go into meteorology as your forecast was a touch off. Lay in bed for about another hour before getting up and deciding it would be a good time to write up my trippie and look at photos from yesterday (the quality of them seriously deteriorates in relation to my exhaustion). Switched on the weather to find out some Hurricane Katia is hitting the coast so there might be rain for the next couple of days. Might scupper some upcoming plans but we?ll see.

Got to The Contemporary and turned out we were a little early for our ADR. So had a good old mooch about the shops there. Really sad to find out you can see all the Vinylmations inside their box now so there?s no surprise as to which one you?re getting. Obviously its great to be able to choose but ruins the surprise somewhat eh?

Eventually was time for our reservation at Chef Mickeys. The server was pretty slow coming to see us and although we knew the routine, wanted to wait to say hi to her and let her know we were pretty keen coffee drinkers!

After she?d left we went up and got our first plates of food. My healthy first choice included corn bread with corn beef hash, scrambled eggs with cheese, cream cheese blinis and Mickey Mouse shaped waffles. Yum. I limited myself to two plates (of totally fattening food so don?t cheer too hard for me) but my dad managed to eat 4 whole plates of food. Given that he?s the skinniest one out of the lot of us, its frankly gone from being a disgusting amount to food to just plain impressive!

I got to meet Micky, Pluto, Donald and Goofy but the best was Minnie. Last time I was here in 2009 I was a touch heavier. To the tune of 5 and a half stone. One of the photos that I really looked at with shock and disappointment was the one taken with Minnie in Chef Mickeys on our first morning. So, although I?ve still got a couple of stone to lose, I wanted to get a good shot with her to see the difference a year on Weight Watchers can make. While I?m still not 100% happy with how I look, even I have to admit there?s a pretty big difference so I?m quite pleased.

After Chef Mickeys we got our Mickeys Not So Scary tickets from the concierge desk at the Contemporary. Needless to say these guys can organise absolutely everything. I was a little disappointed because we?d initially planned to walk over to Magic Kingdom to get them but would have to settle for seeing the Castle for the first time on the night of the party.

Our second grocery trip followed after this and we spent another small fortune. Granted we had a lot less rubbish in our trolley this time (chips, ice cream, chocolate and candy were all vetoed) but it turns out that healthy food is damned expensive. No wonder America is a very overweight nation. When a packet of watermelon with 5 slices in is $9, it?s definitely cheaper to go with the family sized bag of Cheetos eh?

Back to the villa we went with our haul and spent some time in the pool. Chris tried to drown me twice (he?ll deny it if he ever reads this) but considering I went under twice (not a euphemism kiddies) I?m blaming him. My poor hair was a mess (and not the styled ?mess? it normally is) so I got out and spent a good ten minutes sorting it all out again.

Just as our breakfast was starting to actually digest we are making a move over to Downtown Disney to get our Christmas decorations ordered in Once Upon a Christmas, have a mooch around the world?s largest Disney store and possibly consider meeting The Earl for dinner...

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