Desperately seeking

By clickychick

No Trickery!

I was so delighted getting a kingfisher yesterday, I nearly forgot that I needed to post another blip for today! Now, I know I try to push my image manipulation to the full at times, but this is no trick! There really is half a telegraph pole in the middle of High Bridge near Norbury, Staffordshire.

We spent our last night afloat in Grub Street cutting, one of Thomas Telford's engineering feats. We had to be back at the boat yard for 9am so I got up at 6 and waited for enough light at 7.30am to get a shot before packing up all our gear.

It's been a lovely holiday, thanks for all the comments while I had little time of bb connection to reply.

Where will we go next year? Four Counties Ring? Falkirk Wheel? Caledonian?

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