
By SomeGuyInNJ

Engine 205 Flying the Flag

I had considered leaving today blank but it seems fitting to show this image to you guys today.

The picture in this image I did not take today. I have included it today because of what today is. Here is a print of that image and a shot of it on an art site I use. Hopefully this makes this not only the photograph of a photograph and thus suitable for Blip. This image has been selected as a featured image in several groups on that site and won a "remembering 9/11" contest in one group. I did not blip this image at the time, I blipped this. I had not processed this image at that point. It was just one many shots that day.

Since taking this photograph I have read that Engine 205 was the first Engine Company from Brooklyn to reach the World Trade Center site that day. Eight members died, six of whom died under the rubble in their fire truck.

This is Engine 205 "Fire Under the Bridge" on Middagh Street in Brooklyn on a hot August morning in 2011. I was heading down to the waterfront in Brooklyn to take some shots of the lower Manhattan skyline. Given the shots in my head I couldn't but help think of 9/11 when I saw this fire truck outside its firehouse with the flag hanging from the back. If I was "Challenge" I would have gone inside and asked to take photos of the firemen, but thats just not me...

So here you see Engine 205 flying the flag here a month before the 10 year anniversary of the September 11th attacks on New York and Washington. Many in the New York Fire Department and other first responders lost their lives that day.

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