Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

A relaxing day

Those of you who have been following my blip over the last few days will know that I've been on a little walking holiday.

I haven't had any 'sleep time' for four days so I've spent most of today relaxing and eating!! I don't normally eat very much the first few days that I'm in a new place, so needless to say when I got home yesterday I was starving. And today I've wolfed down another two big meals.

I only had a half hour walk this morning and I was still happily snoozing at 3.30pm when Ann woke me up for my afternoon walk. It's lovely to be back on my own territory and this blip shows me having a good old roll on the grass beside my favourite beach.

Now I'm fast asleep again. We have friends coming to stay this weekend so I need to conserve my energy because I might not get enough sleep time when they're here. I'm a very alert little collie dog and always have to keep an eye on what everyone is doing.

Have a great weekend blippers.

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