
From the Lothian Transport website: "Buses are being diverted from Princes Street and the Mound onto George Street from Saturday 17 September 2011 for approximately 10 months. This is due to tramworks on Princes Street."

Rumour has it that 10 months are required to repair the damage done by shoddy workmanship when they put in a short stretch of tramlines too hastily, just in time for Christmas 2009. Nothing much has happened since, apart from the council and the construction firm arguing over the fine print of the contracts.

I saw this vista on my way to the Farmers Market (taken close to the previous shot, just looking in the opposite direction). They were putting all the metal fencing back up - it's been so long since they were working on it that I'd forgotten the massive inconvenience of only being able to cross Princes Street at about three points along its (considerable) length.

I forewent attending what turned out to be a thrilling fitba' match over in Dunfermline in order to do a rather gruelling yoga class. I'm sure I'll feel the benefit eventually. ;-(

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