Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj


V and M and I went on a recce for the Fungal Foray in the woods at Allen Banks today. It was a lovely day and we found a lot of different fungi. This is going to be a very interesting walk.

In one area there were large numbers of Phallaceae (stink horn fungi) in various stages of maturity. I have to admit we were very silly - and the photographic evidence in on file - but I've been told that on no account can I blip them.

So, here are V and M by the River Allen. M is modelling one of the new walking festival fleeces. They come in a variety of colours; mine is a lovely pinky red. We told all the walkers we met today about the festival.

V spotted these fruits and I wonder if anyone can name them please?

At the end of the walk we collected conkers - what it is to be retired and to enjoy the pleasures of the countryside.

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