Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


I got up this morning and took my tea out on the deck, as is my usual morning routine. What struck me almost immediately was that I did not hear the sound of chit-chit-chit, nor did I see the flitting of little winged things. No hummers. I sat outside for nearly an hour - nothing. Which made me inexplicable sad.

I finally abandoned the deck in favor of my office where there was much to be done after being gone last week. Then, after lunch, off to the park for a walk around. They have a beautiful butterfly garden - which I only discovered today! Managed to get a few shots of butterflies, but nothing I really liked. Then, I heard it - the whir of wings! I looked up in time to see a little hummer feasting on the flowers. I didn't even bother to try to get a picture, decided instead to enjoy the moment.

When I got home, I glanced out and was shocked to see ... a hummingbird! I spent an hour or so outside this evening and there are definitely two little hummers. I think they may be migratory birds stopping for a rest because they are very skittish and won't let me get near them. All "my" little hummers are quite used to me and my big black camera, so I think these are new birds. I will see if I can catch them first thing in the morning before they leave.

All of the hummer "experts" recommend that you leave a feeder up for at least a couple of weeks after you think your last hummer has gone because there are some who migrate late. So, that is what I'll do. And, now is when I start plotting my plan of attack for the seed feeders! I did see another woodpecker up in the trees today, but a smaller one this time so definitely not a pileated.

So my decision today was what to blip... this won out only because it made me laugh. I thought I had taken a picture of the thistle down, but when I got the image on my pc, I saw the shield bug - never even noticed it when I took the photo! My second choice was my black cat, the conspiracy theorist, Rocket

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