Desperately seeking

By clickychick

An XS Of Bottles.

After saying Good Morning, my assistant's next words were: "Mmmm! What can I smell?" I looked around, wondering. "No!" she said, "The perfume?" (She can normally name a perfume as soon as she smells it.) "Oh, it's one out of a very unattractive bottle!"

I went on to explain that I can't bear to use some of my perfumes too often because I love the bottles so much. It wouldn't be quite the same saving them once they are empty, some of them are clear with lovely amber fluid in them. Remember The Magic Number Challenge? You just never know when perfume bottles come in handy! I have loads!

I rarely step over the doorstep without a squirt of fragrance, however I had no idea what I was wearing but knew exactly what the bottle looked like and knew it wasn't this Black XS.

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