Graduation Photo

I took Sinddu's portrait today as a graduation gift She just finished a very intense chef's certification at Le Cordon Bleu. The next time we meet she is going to make me salted caramel macaroons. Which are much my favourite pastry of all. Sinddu talks about cooking the way I have heard artists talk about their art. She is passionate about food and feeding people. She is hoping to take her craft back home to Singapore where she will open her own restaurant.

Sinddu means the sea. There could not be a more fitting name for my young friend. While she incredibly beautiful and calm there is a very powerful current that runs through her being. It took her two years to convince her very traditional family to allow her to come to London to study. It was not in their opinion an honourable profession for a girl of her breeding. She would not be swayed though. I think this spirit will take her very far in her career.

Thanks for all the lovely messages yesterday. I really should not have neglected my dental work for so long. My dentist even said "I told you so." It was hard not to bite him after hearing those words.

the handsome lad.

the rest.

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