Olive and Her Birthday Present

We haven't seen much of Olive since she moved out of London. There was a time though that she had an exalted place in our family. When just the sight of her coming through the door would put me at ease. Would calm my nerves.

Olive came into our lives as a cleaner at my husbands first business. Everyone fell in love with her and before long she was working for his partner as a housekeeper. When his wife had her first baby she became indispensable. She has a way with children. So calm and easy. I was spending a lot of time at our friend's country estate and I think Olive could see that I was struggling. My first born came out screaming and she pretty much continued to do so for the next eight weeks. She wouldn't feed, she wouldn't sleep and she screamed with colic until her face was purple. I started to wonder why I ever thought I'd be able to mother a child. I still couldn't bear to leave her with anyone though. Only TJ, I thank goodness she was around to hold her. I am not sure how I would have coped. When I was back in London Olive started to stop by to check on me. She would hold my baby and she would immediately be calmed. She would talk to her nonstop and her tiny eyes would close. Olive would send me off to bed with the promise she would wake me if the baby stirred but in fact she never did. I would find Bee calm and content in her arms several hours later. Olive taught me to knit and we would sit in front of the fire while she told me about raising her girls. Her heartbreak and loss of faith when her disabled daughter died after a freak accident. She never did have any grandchildren but she is godmother to my friend's son and very much apart of their family. Seeing Olive today made me so sentimental. She hasn't changed a bit since I met her. She was so energetic with the littlest kids today. I came down to find her being decorated in tattoos and masks. A giant smile on her face. She couldn't quite believe how big my Bee has gotten.

Olive is sitting here in the playroom holding her 80th birthday present. She loves scarves and I found a wonderful pink floral silk square which she adored. It was a very sweet visit.

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