Waiting for Jonny

By yearofhappy


The glint in my eye is returning

I was out for a run and was all set to road run when I saw the shiny path to my left, it's a path I avoid due to it's steepness - I may be a runner but I am quite a lazy one at times- but when I saw this I had to go and investigate as I just loved the shimmeriness and the peachy/orange tones.

I am still not happy with the quality of my shot but I AM happy that my blip eye and enthusiasm are returning

I have taken a photo every day since my blip sulk last week as, thanks to some advice, it was better to take a photo of any old shit ( and believe me I followed this to the letter) than not at all

I have my head sorted from everything else that was amiss last week and feel much more at peace and have answers to questions that were bothering me.

All is calm, all is bright

And as I am turning into a Christmas Carol it is time to sign off and sort out my back blips.

Thanks for your lovely comments when I was despondent last week.

You are wonderful

Speaking of Orange: tribute to a wonderful band on the day they split.

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