Red Squirrel


A Red Spider ...

The 458 Italia Spider.
There are some beautiful looking spiders but I have to say this is one Spider that just blew me away when I first saw it today. It?s virtually my dream Dino brought up to date. It?s so, so beautiful . Auto eye-candy. Visually I still think the Dino takes it, but I bet this one?s a far better drive and more reliable at starting from hot which was the Dino?s biggest weakness apparently.

Here's some other views.

So, in the (slightly changed) words of Ertha Kitt:

?Santa baby, slip a 458 under the tree, for me.
I've been an AWFUL good girl
Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight" (well on Dec 24th anyway)

Well, I can always dream, can?t I?

And for those arachnophiles who thought they?d be seeing the real thing, this Tarantula (the Venezuelan Greenbottle Blue (Chromatoplema Cyaneopubescens))
surely has to be one of the most gorgeous looking real spiders on the planet. Just stunning. Moving under light it looks metallic (worth watching the program 'The Real Spiderman' just for footage of this.).

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