Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

Bedtime stories

Edit: The top 10 Momentum nomination means a great deal to me personally, not only from a photography perspective, but in relation to the connection with the Paralympics. As many of you know, my son is registered disabled and has utterly changed my perspective on disability, and I hope many of you too out there. Much appreciation to you all for the votes. It's certainly the highest recognition I've had after having an SLR slung round my neck for the last 24 years...

An enjoyable day just hanging out at home with the boys. So much more fun when the house has actually been cleaned! Huge floor puzzles galore of every variety and I'm sure Callum said "the Milky Way" when doing the solar system so I guess he's picked that up somewhere.

Reuben asleep by 7pm after these moments reading the Complete Book of Beatrix Pottery on his luscious new bed. Callum meanwhile was sleeping in my bed downstairs and I was anxiously waiting for him to wake after his long nap and expect an evening of entertainment, but instead, he came running into my office and announced "Callum's bed", thus waking himself up to go to bed, much like a "grown up" would do when waking from a sofa sleep.

Up late last night watching the Netflix stream of Ramsay's Best UK Restaurant. Without a TV connection for 5 years, but being a huge movie buff, I rejoice when I do actually sit down and watch a movie away from the iMac. It feels like utter indulgence and a cosy experience on a cool Saturday night, making re realise or perhaps for a moment, miss having TV.

Barely took any pics this weekend, but managed to delete a tonne. That I find hard to do, being ruthless. I often shoot in continuous with the boys so the images run like old movie stills into each other, the small changes in expressions and feelings. When few are thankfully out of focus or duds, what do you do? I envisage I will never be able to review them all (last year ran to about 50k of the boys which of course is ludicrous and I'm glad now for the 5Dii where I can seemingly slip from continuous to movie), but when there's down time late at night and I do run through them, what's a Mama to do?

As of today I can say "My sister Geraldine and BIL are coming to visit next week!". Still in shocked excitement!

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