Super sniffer, Nelson J.Squirrel

A nose that can see is worth two that sniff.
Eugene Ionesco

Still basking in the warm waves of happiness from ~jk10's lovely blip about my nephew yesterday. I can't thank her or the creators and participants of the blipfoto family enough. I shared the blip with many and heard from our Swedish 'family' today. They recognized the old Swedish Army sweater he was wearing, a hand-me-down from them that he loves so much. The world becomes so much smaller, people so much easier to connect with when we have these lovely new avenues of technology. They lead us with open eyes to where we want to go, to the people our hearts are seeking. Thank you Blipfoto, Thank you, Juliana.

I wish we had some fall weather to clear our dreadful air & weather. This air mass is stuck in place holding us hostages of humidity and dampness. Friday promises a return to crispness, we shall hope anyway.

Little Raspberry has had two does of antibiotics. I hope her frequent unfulfilling trips to her litter-box improve, she tries every one in hopes of relief, poor little catbert.

I'm Cinderella today, we're hosting a meeting here tonight and I have to bake something and try to get rid of the cobwebs, cathair and dusty remnants of summer.

For the Record, This day came in HUMID yet again.

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