My neglected rose

A topsy-turvy sort of day, tempered by the wonderfully balmy atmosphere and the relentless light and blue skies! I love it.

Early start for me with a meeting at 9am, followed by a country drive before going back to my desk.

I am rushing out to support our Mayor, who I met at 9am, who will be speaking at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Stroud District Council. It is to try to get more action against the proposed National Health service changes in our region.

At tea-time I heard the call of a buzzard, looked out of my window and saw it circling very low over our garden. By the time I got my camera and reached the garden it was very high and departing. So I wandered about taking various odd shots in the sunshine with Bomble for company.

This is my favourite, of a red rose I bought ages ago which I always fail to look after. I saw there was this dark background and hoped for the best.

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