The view from here ...

... is not sunny, but quite atmospheric nonetheless (hardened optimist). Not even a three minute glimmer of sun today - and you can hardly see across the bay due to drizzle, mist and general greyness. I pass this pebbly beach every day. Someone has put up big metal gates barring the entrance but they have been prised apart and everyone squeezes through and wanders along this windblown pebbly spit. How can you possibly gate a beach?? This is a nice spot for swimming in the summer (told you I was an optimist) as beyond the pebbles is a little strip of sand. These hardy flowers (sowthistle??) add a splash of colour amidst the greys. It's a good place for spotting curlews, oyster catchers, shags and cormorants, and the little egrets are back. There are also quite a few families of sea going swans. Otters have been seen here and the occasional seal.

Full day at work - we have polished off Hedgehogs and drawn up (hilarious) family trees. Quite enough for one day.

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