Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

The War is ON

This morning I got up and fixed some tea, ready to head to the office for a busy morning. I glanced out on the deck to check in on the birds and ... horrors ... pots were tipped over, shepard's crook bent, bird feeders laying no the deck, EMPTY!! My first thought was - bear. But then I took a closer look and realized that while all the feeders had been ripped from their perches and de-seeded, non were crushed ... yep, it has all the signs of a raccoon caper. The little monsters left quite a trail of destruction in their wake and now I am officially declaring war!!!

My first move on the battle field is to move the feeders into the garage at night. Hopefully a lack of seed will encourage the blighters to move on. While I think that racoons are adorable from a distance, I really don't want them this close to the house - they are very unpredictable and can be quite vicious if they feel threatened. Frankly, I am more concerned by them than by our resident bear population. So, tonight I will launch the first tactical strike. Stay tuned for a blow-by-blow...

I didn't get a lot of photo's today, but am relatively happy with this little chickadee. Yes, it could be a bit better focused and the exposure is a wee bit off but he's still a cute little thing.

Stay tuned...

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