Kneipp Cure and 5 Elwetritsche

One more bicycle ride took me to the Glan-Blies-Radweg and a little detour in the woods to this Kneipp basin, where I cooled myself off a little and visited the relatives.

You have five Elwetritsche in this shot - four in front of the camera and one behind! View in large!

The one behind the camera was drying its feet and legs in the sun after stork-like wading through the water basin (watched and encouraged with standing ovations by the relatives).
That water was cold! But it felt great afterwards!

Many of those Kneipp basins around here. Is Sebastian Kneipp and his work known across German borders? I have no idea.

6:00 pm 22,6°C
German national holiday "Tag der Deutschen Einheit"

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