Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Stay-Puffed Nuthatch

So, have you ever taken a picture that, when you looked at it, it made you laugh out loud? Well, this is my laugh-out-loud photo! I was all set to post a different photo, but then I decided to sit outside for a few minutes and watch the birds. The nuthatches are getting quite used to me so don't pay much attention to me and my big black thing.

This little guy landed on the branch nearest the feeder and sat there for a moment, contemplating his life, no doubt. You can have a look here. Then, he started to fluff his feathers a bit. And, THEN, he just completely puffed up and closed his eyes to little slits for a moment, after which he swooped in and gobbled up some seeds. I was firing off quick shots and really didn't think any would turn out, but was delighted with this series.

Some days, I feel just like this!

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