The second half of life..

By twigs

Spinning in the wind!!

I had a full day of work today which kept me away from my camera :(

The bonus about working on a Friday is I feel justified in sharing a drink at the pub with friends and colleagues afterwards!!

I hadn't realised just how much energy I'd used working the few hours I have this week until I sat down after I got home. The nanna-nap crept up on me then laid me out cold for longer that I care to admit! (nothing, of course, to do with the drink after work!!)

I woke just in time to leave for a meeting I had in town at Founders Historic Park. After I left the meeting I spotted this gorgeous windmill merrily spinning it's blades in the growing wind and decided it was worth a quick blip. Unfortuntaly, focusing the camera in near darkness proved pretty difficult and the best shot of the spinning blades is badly out of focus :(

Have a great weekend everyone :)

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