Zombies n' Slate and all things Absurd

What an excellent night: Maybe it was a bit more of a sensory overload than I'm used to and maybe it was a bit more yeahmanhippyish than I'm used to and a perhaps it was a bit more soapboxeyissuesey than I'm used to, but I can't recall being in a room with such an underated mixture of creatively talented sorts for quite a while. Their combined passion for making an alternatively entertaining night go with a swing was top dollar. (And the oak-aged beer was good too.)

In case you're wondering, myself and the lady sp33d went to that last night - something which I couldn't really plug beforehand because, well, bliprules are biprules. But now it's been and gone I hope my little nod to the people behind The Absurds first night of music and slam poetry will be given the thumbs up (especially since it was not-for-profit and organised by two good friends of mine with a mind for sharing local talent). Well done you two. 'Twas a differentlyfabulous evening.

The Absurd

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