Copenhagen and Me.

By RtCph

Load of Old Rubbish

Big Pile Of Crap

This display advertising a forth coming exhibition of, well, rubbish seemed highly appropriate. (Even more so since I have just heard the France vs England rugby result.) It represents what I honestly thought my journal would be and why I was reluctant to start Blipping. Now posting my 365th consecutive photo I'm still not sure it isn't, but thanks to all the comments, faves, stars and spotlights that I have recieved I can almost believe I'm posting some reasonable snaps here, not consistantly perhaps, but some good ones.

In one year, thanks to Blip, I have; bought my first SLR (digital or otherwise), been gifted membership to Blip (thank you again who ever you are!), been published in a national newspaper, sold one photo, been given a free pass to the zoo, had my pictures used on the official Copenhagen tourist website, been given ("loaned") an even nicer camera by my employers, had three photos printed for my workplace and most importantly met a whole bunch of like minded, photo-mad people to share this all with (that's you people btw).

Blipfoto is just brilliant, I mean who could not love a site which quotes Bill & Ted in their "rules" page?

Be excellent to each other.


Skrald means rubbish and is an exhibition by Copenhagen Museums

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