Muddy Adventures...

Today we had an afternoon to fill so I thought I'd take the kids on 'muddy adventures'.

We donned our wellies and headed up to Rosyth's rock climbing hotspot which quite handily is less that 5 minutes walk from the house. The day that transpired was just a perfect wee mix of walking and playing. We got up to the climbing quarry to find two people starting a climb. This is Bethany watching whilst I explained how the cams they were using, worked.

After this, we did some wee rock climbing on a low ledge which Bethany just absolutely loved. I really must take her bouldering like I did with Ewan sometime ago. After I eventually managed to drag her away, we headed round the top of the quarry and out to the edge of Inverkeithing.

On the way back we built catapults with the postie red elastic bands we'd accumulated on the journey and Bethany taught us the intricacies of her Hopper Dopper.

A Hopper Dopper is just a stick which you place on the ground in front of you and then hop in front of it. Sort of like pole jumping for vertigo sufferers. It does an amazing job of slowing the journey down to an absolute snails pace but I found that you can also connect Hopper Doppers in series by touching one to the other and then effectively go at the pace of the faster walker.

The whole journey was a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon and a rather impressive, for a couple of toddlers, 3 and a bit kilometres.

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