will it go round in...

By simonzebu

Party #2

After an extremely hungover start to the day, we gradually got our act together and headed for the high desert. First item on the agenda being a wander round Pioneertown, a fake Western town built in the 1940s and used by over 1000 films and TV shows in the years it was used up till the mid Fities.
This modern fire hydrant hit an unexpected note in an otherwise genuine-looking scene.
The main event of the day was a barbecue in the private backyard of Pappy &Harriet's the rock and roll/biker bar next to Pioneertown. Live band on stage Mojo Monkeys, really good. Charismatic Mohican-haired drummer/singer playing drums standing, front centre stage.
When the sun went down, excellent food and drink on long trestles with red gingham tablecloths. A good-natured piece of silliness when a Marshall and his Deputy came in, firing guns in the air and 'arresting' one of the guests on charges on bad guitar picking. More music from the Mojo Monkeys and then our Host took to the stage and roped in various guests to play classic numbers. The highlight being 'Been a long time since the rock and roll' sung with great gusto by Roger Taylor with Neil Murray on bass, Spike on keyboards, Jamie Moses on guitar and David Raven of the Mojo Monkeys on drums. Totally excellent day.

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