Every Day Is A holiday!

By musings

Rural Farm

Got up early to return to a barn I found several miles from our home west of Portland...we live right on the edge of the Urban Growth Boundary. This means we live in a fairly densely packed residential area, but literally a mile away we have farms and farmland in abundance!!

When I started taking photos we didn't visit this area unless we were getting a Christmas tree or a burger at several popular pubs. Lately though, I have made several trips and found some wonderful gems!!

This barn was amazing! I loved the cupola on top!!! I saw these on most of the barns in this area! Most of the farms are "century farms" which means they have been there over 100 years. For the state of Oregon that is history.

I've visited several churches and cemeteries in the area and graves go back to the mid 1800's. The area is beautiful with lots of steep and rolling hills with great views and vistas. These farms are working today...there are lots of amazing farm animals and gardens!! Pumpkin patches too! More photos to come....

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