Ghastly Gargoyle

Best viewed ghastly large!

In Exeter today, strange weather, sunshine & showers, but rain falling from a blue sky... very odd indeed!

I was walking along the side of the cathedral & noticed (for the first time) these restored gargoyles! All I had on me was my compact panasonic camera, it's not a bad camera, in fact, it quite surprised me!

Here's a few more gargoyles:

Mouth open

Looks like it's been punched in the eye!

Mr Toad of Exeter - or is it Mr Frog?

A very bad habit!

Happy fox, sad goose

Oh my, it's my old Maths teacher (seriously!)

How far up the gargoyles were

My mum said this looked like the actor Nigel Hawthorne... sorry Nigel!

Lol love this one!

The one I chose looks like me the next morning after a heavy night... say no more!

This is the first time I've been to Exeter since the 14th September & I'm afraid to say the bracket fungi which was around the *diseased* beech was it's death nail, sadly the tree was cut down today - how I just HAPPENED to be in the city on the day & in the vicinity I'm not sure... but then least I could say goodbye:




Tree :'( xxx

They will leave the ground alone for a year & then hopefully replant a tree - but not a beech... Not sure what!

Second blip journal:

Autumn in Exeter

Sorry for all the photo links! I hardly ever take so many photos, but it was such a lovely Autumnal day in the city! :)

Thanks for all of yesterday's wonderful comments for Larry Lights, I called him early this morning, but no sign. Called him again when home & he came. Had a few worms, then stood & faced me on tippy toes, stuck his red breast out & gave me such a look as if you to say 'where the blazing hell have you been? I've been hungry, but I have missed you too!' - no camera, it was too dark - but that expression on his face will be with me in my mind for some time now - Unforgettable!!! xxxx

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