Brian's Bits

By Kanyl

Meter Maid?


This is Rita in her Ladybird hat.

Decent weather makes a change. We did need to go down town, but it was quite nice to be able to wander about. The, slight, let-down was ... Hail Cæser! About 1doz hailstones as we approached the car.
On which sore point >>>-------------> Two of the town's car parks have sunk into oblivion so they're a hard commodity to come by these days Latest, found under screen wiper lately ''Sainsbury's is opening a new multi storey (2 levels) car park on 31st Oct.......temporary car park on the New Squares site.....will close on 15th Oct''

Meantime they offer us a park and ride. Great idea, but to be any use to us we have to drive 2 miles to catch a bus the mile and a half back to where we wanted to be. Since health is the only reason we use the car for such a short distance methinks we'll not bother.
Task #3 was to get a computer cable tidy, gaffer tried B&Q to ''Noah Vail'' but we did mean my friend Sufyan and tribe (Including Rita/Reeta?) seconds after thinking ''We must visit Indiagate again sometime.''

He tells me his name means ''Fast Walker'' and I'll tell thee what, I've seldom seen such dumpy little legs cover ground so fast. A well named lad.

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