Milk and mercury

A strange sky on my way to work today - I leapt out of the car several times, and blipped away like mad - then looked down into the sea where the reflections were incredible, all milk and mercury. I've gone a bit arty farty with this image and turned it upside down so the sky is where it should be. I quite like the dreamlike effect, plus there's a little bit of seaweed floating high in the sky!

Well, it was a hard day!! I was in charge of the class today and smallest girl was in a truly foul mood - much stamping of feet and folding or arms and general shouts of 'no!' However, we concentrated on rainbows and I managed to make them appear on the ceiling thanks to the loan of himself's prism and mighty torch. The excitement was immense. And now I'm on holiday for two weeks! I have a truly tolerant and sympathetic headteacher for technically our half term break does not start until the week after next, a week after the English one, but both sons are arriving on Monday for a few days and she has said that I dont have to come in. I will have to make it up elsewhere but I am delighted. It is a real treat to have them arrive at the same time, usually only manageable at Christmas! Can't wait.

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