Another day goes by

By WelshSi

Sunrise over Newport

Today was the first morning I had to scrape the frost off my car, 1 celcuis, brrrrrr. But what a fab morning, this was taken from Alteryn with my iPhone and other than a little cropping I haven't touched it at all, which is very unlike me.

This was the start to my last day in work, as I now have 10 whole days off, awesome. the rest of the day was quite quiet as we are a little short of work at the mo, but things are moving in the right direction for next week, oh yes, but i'm not there next week, hehe.

On the way home through the lanes I saw a bird of prey being attacked by 2 crows, and a very sad pigeon on the side of the road. He looked like he was going to be dinner for something. Now its time to chill and get ready for a victorious morning tomorrow, really looking forward to kicking some Aussie ass tomorrow.

TTFN peoples.

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