...you will never break the chain.....

But.....I have !

8 pain free hours today, fuelled by 4 paracetamol and 4 Ibuprofen.....but the first time in 13 days since I damaged my back that I've gone more than 2 hours without a twinge.

Also the chains of work are off......two weekends and seven working days holiday......It'll be Novemebr when I go back....now what to do with myself?

Oh....yeah.....Dad and the Neice are coming for three days....I probably need to spend one day in work catching up all the jobs I didn't get time to finish....we have some plumbing needs replacing........I'm sure the Boss will find me other little jobs to do.....and I might, if we can find time together, get a day or half a day with hebs.

Now the big question is..........is the back good enough to fish the first Winter League match on Sunday....or should I sack it and watch United v City and let everyone have a start on me for the title?

Decisions, decisions.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

Before you run off with the wrong idea, these chains are from the Boss' hanging baskets which have just come in for the winter, nothing more sinister or kinky!

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