The boys at the bottom of the garden

Torrential rain all night and most of the day. The land is underwater and there is a lake in the field at the top, complete with heron feeding. It stopped briefly for an hour at around 3pm and I went out and swept up some leaves -a bit futile as it's also windy and no sooner had I made a nice heap than they all blew apart gain. Still some have made it to the various compost bins. I picked the medlars and have a couple of kilos. They are now in a darkened room where they shall remain for at least a fortnight then I might make some jelly. These young cattle are in the field at the end of our garden. As soon as they hear a human the noise is incredible and very hilarious. I was obviously the most exciting thing they'd seen all day. They are very muddy.
Other than that, it's been the papers and an attempt at putting a calendar together.

I'm going off piste for a week! Both sons arrive tomorrow - one from Bristol and the other from Birmingham and miraculously the flights are only quarter of an hour apart. We intend to do lots of walking, photography (they are both bringing their enormous lenses!!!), eating and talking - and I think they both expect to catch up on a fair bit of sleep! I'm hoping I might entice them into a bit of seaweed collecting as well. So I may back-blip or I may not!!! How casual is that???? Anyway, I'll catch up up next weekend- be good!

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