The journey continues...

By Lbell

Argentina steak :)

We didn't do a lot today at all! Most places were closed during the day because of it being Sunday and also because of the elections. We had planned to go to the sunset horseriding event held by the hostel but it was also cancelled :( In the end we went to Plaza Independencia and sat in the sun watching a little old man dance rather creepily and play his recorder type instrument pretty badly haha. Got a little burnt for the first time today!
The highlight of my day was definitely our dinner. I have been craving steak ever since my first one I got in B.A. and so we decided to go to a parilla for our last night in Mendoza! The steak was immense and huge! It was funny how excited everyone got with the veggies served with the steak after having a diet consisting of empanadas, alfajors, medialunas, pizza, bread and other not so healthy foods lol. We went for a few drinks after dinner and saw the election celebrations which was pretty cool, don't know too much about them but Cristina won!!

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