People on a Bridge

By zerohour

H is for Husband

Inspired by a friend and a fellow blipper kaitlynbrooke, I am doing a mini-blip challenge. For the next eight days I will focus on things that I am grateful for.

I will spell with my posts "thank you". :-) This is a second post in the series.

H is for Husband Dear. We have met in front of the candy machine on the second floor of the New Design building. It was about 2:00 am, and I was having a pissy fit over how awful American chocolate is. Future Husband Dear had good enough manners and enough restraint to not tell me to stop bitching and go back to Poland. It caught my attention. :-)

To prove my point, I brought him a bar of dark chocolate studded with whole hazelnuts when I went to Poland for Christmas a few months later. He had to admit I was right. And here we are, thirteen years later...

H is for healthy hazelnuts. I may be still single without them.

H stands for humor. A good sense of. Where would we be without laughter???

H is also for Hanna. A perfect name for a lovely stepmother!

Lastly, H stands for Homarano, or "citizen of the world" in Esperanto. Esparanto is an artificial language invented by a fellow Pole, Ludwig Zamehof. "Zamenhof's goal was to create an easy-to-learn and politically neutral language that transcends nationality which would foster peace and international understanding between people with different regional and/or national languages." (Wikipedia)

Good night, Blipworld.

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