The Life Of Ponty Cyclops

By pontycyclops


Another frustratingly house/ chapel bound day.

More tears! More pain!

We called the doctor out this morning. I have now got some powerful painkillers. It seems to have eased the pain a bit, but I am as stiff as a board!

We tried to get out to Cley this afternoon, but just ten minutes in the car finished me!

Hopefully another days rest tomorrow will make me mobile! We are supposed to be moving on from here on Friday to Suffolk. A three hour car journey right now fills me with dread!

On the upside, we have made full use of this cottage, which we would have only used as base camp otherwise!

This harmonium is centre stage of the front room. It is a fully restored, fully working model. There is a book of lessons on how to play it. Alas my musical aptitude is as good as my dancing!

It is also well travelled.

The owner of the cottage bought it from a chapel in Wales, but the foot pedals show it originated in Washington, USA.

Like everything in this quirky chapel/ holiday home it is in complete juxtaposition to it's surroundings.

Another day tomorrow! Please let me be better!

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