The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

3 Cs

The last 3 days have been dedicated to the 3 Cs.

Cakes, chutney and children.

I may have been a tad late baking my cakes this year, but they took a whole evening to do and they turned out ok.

The green tomatoes donated by my dad came in handy. He might even get some back for Xmas.

The other C is children.
Even when they've grown and flown the nest, ( well are at uni), you worry about them. Curlyfries is quite ill with a flu type virus. He was so bad last night that NHS 24 were called and an ambulance turned up to treat him. Some tlc, paracetamol and a few hours sleep and he had turned the corner. As for me? I got off work early, in case I needed to do a mercy dash 200 miler, but not so.

Isn't Skype wonderful.

A few minutes actually seeing he was alive and chatting about what he could do to help himself, ie. rest , fluids and paracetamol I was relieved. So much so I fell asleep myself for 2 hours.

I feel a weekend at home coming on, but I hope he bounces back.

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