
By cyclops

Flying high.

I was trying snapping seagulls the other day in South Queensferry but ended up blipping something else, so I had another go today. I't not as sharp as I would have liked. Not sure if the AF isn't quite getting it right or if I just need a smaller aperture to give the AF more room... I'll have to experiment!!! I should be able to get pretty sharp images even at the long end of my Zuiko Digital 40-150mm right?

The call I was expecting last night didn't come until this morning as his flight was delayed and by the time he got in to Boston last night it was too late to call me, but when it did come it was worth the wait. I got some very exciting news. Can't share just now, but will when I can.

The result is that I'm flying high, just like the subject of my blip!

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