Occasionally processed

By Moondog

Delighting the Earth (unprocessed)

"Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair."

- Kahlil Gibran

Here's my wee lad. I asked him and his sister who wanted to come down the back with me. The young master lept up at once, and ran with me down into the bush, where we had a lovely time sitting and playing with sticks and rocks.

I took my camera, hoping to snap a bird or a nice shot of my boy - but suffered battery fail just after taking this one shot.

Good thing I like it, as from the hip and technically poor as it is. ;-)

Tis is straight from the camera. For the final pic I used my latest B&W preset in Filterstorm Pro: B&W conversion with red filter around 50%, green around 75%, and blue somewhere between 10 and 25%. Then a duplicate layer is added, with blend mode set to overlay, at around 80% opacity. The results are pretty contrasty, but smoother and (I think) more pleasing than what comes from just pushing the contrast.

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