open your eyes

Something was telling me to grab my camera and head outside to the sky. I'm so happy I listen to that still, small voice that tells me to look for beauty where beauty lives. It's probably the reason I have my camera close at hand at all (most) times.

The sky was dramatic to me. The sun was vivacious. The cranes were perched ceremoniously in the horizon. I need a moment just to be in the moment. I need words to pour over that mean something to my soul. I need to find the answers to questions that I'm afraid to ask myself.

A few weeks ago, the division of student affairs at my school nominated me to apply for a student representative position on the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Advisory panel. I was floored that someone in my school had even thought of me to nominate me (to apply, mind you). I submitted my application today complete with a letter of recommendation from one of my medical school faculty members. No matter what happens, even if I don't make it to the final two applicants, I am flattered that my leadership was somehow noted among the throng of admirable students I count as my colleagues. I am praying that I get it though. That could open up a lot of doors for me in the future.

The cherry on my proverbial sundae this evening was sharing Indian food and sparkling conversation with my dear friend, BJ. So wonderful to have her company on the few Tuesdays or Thursdays that I can sneak away from my responsibilities (read: books). Love you, sweet friend. You have no idea how much wisdom you bring to me and how recharged I feel after spending time with you.

I feel wordy tonight. I'm gonna lock this down. I've got notes to pour over and a date with my clean sheets. (Plus, I already took a tylenol pm.. oops! muhaha)

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